Je Agent 47 člověk?

Agent 47Agent 47Agent 47 is a fictional character, the protagonist and the player character of the Hitman video game franchise, developed by IO Interactive. He has been featured in all games of the series, as well as various spin-off media, including two theatrically released films, a series of comics, and two novels. › wiki › Agent_47Agent 47 – Wikipedia is a clone, genetically engineered from the DNA five of the world's greatest criminals, those being Lee Hong, Pablo Belisario Ochoa, Arkadij Jegorov, Frantz Fuchs, and his creator, Otto Wolfgang Ort-Meyer. 47 was engineered with enhanced physical and mental abilities.

Co je to Hitman?

Agent 47 (neboli také Hitman) je profesionální zabiják, nájemný vrah (jehož klientem je většinou agentura) a klon s čárovým kódem na zátylku, který zabil svého stvořitele. Vždycky chodí oblečený v černém obleku s bílou košilí a krvavě rudou kravatu (pokud ovšem nenosí cizí oblek, aby se zamaskoval).

Je Agent 47 člověk?